How far along? 35 weeks! What?!?
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, the most comfy thing is pjs and a big tshirt though!
Stretch marks? Same ole, same ole.
Sleep? Wellll, not so wonderful. Unfortunately I'm waking up multiple times at night to use the restroom and I feel wide awake, then I get back to sleep to only wake up and use the restroom again! I feel like he must have "dropped" since my bladder is like the size of a quarter!!!! But I really don't know, it could just be how he is positioned.
Best moment last week? Family time up in Tennessee for Thanksgiving! It was wonderful having everyone together and spending some time with cute lil Tucker! Cameron can't wait to play with him!
Movement? I feel like he is just rolling around in there now, less pokes and jabs.
Food cravings? Turkey sandwiches! Sweets!
Gender? Sweet baby boy Cameron.
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks- seems like a lot some days.
Belly button in/out? Standing it looks out, but if I'm just lounging and sitting it just seems stretched and flat!
Missing? Not too much!
Looking forward to? My last day of work is Friday! I'm super ecstatic, but it's also a strange feeling. It's always somewhat unnerving when you close and open another chapter in your life. I feel like life is just flying by and I can hardly keep up. I'm very excited for Cameron to come, but honestly can't believe it is SO so soon. Also excited to start my one week appointments on Monday!!
Milestones? Making it to 35 weeks. Seriously can't believe that come Saturday it will be our due date month... So soon!!