So the stress continues, and the worry builds. How silly am I to worry? I know I have a Great God who is in control and loves me so much. He's my Provider, He will provide.
So I may have gone into spring break hoping to come back to school with easy sailing till graduation. I now laugh at the thought! I have no doubt that I will love and enjoy every day till May 14th, but those days will include some stress. Some stress I kind of enjoy- I like knowing that I have a design due tomorrow with the urgency of having to get it done. I do not, however, enjoy being told or thought of as being a slacker because I'm not. I promise that if I tell you I will get something done, I will! I don't like those stresses.
I did have some fun last night. I played coed intermural softball with my team, The Horties. Considering I have hardly picked up a bat or glove since 3rd grade slow pitch- I was pleasantly surprised with two hits, and one score! Woohoo! It was so fun just playing a stress free game. We like to win, but our team will have fun even if we don't. We're there to have FUN.
So catch up time (real quick!) The end of spring break was a blast! Dad took his favorite girls out to The Melting Pot. Mmm, it was delicious! We went for a celebration. I would go into more detail about the specifics of the celebration but that wouldn't be nice. Ask me in person if you would like to know :) haha
I also got to spend some time with my sweet friends from high school! I love to catch up with these girls! Me and Taylor get to see each other at college but Megan accidentally decided to go to that other school so any time we are at home we try hard to get together! We had a lunch date to Rosies and then went walking at Indian Creek! It was a beautiful day! Mmm, so much fun- I love them both!
Just a request: Pray for me. I need to not worry.
"Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives" -Francis Chan